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Elin ivory eldritch academy uniform

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Our Ghosts Are Different: In Rhythm Of War, Zahel states that the Heralds are effectively Cognitive Shadows - souls made up of living Investiture.However, the Oathpact may not be as dissolved as the Heralds would have liked to think when they tried to abandon it, as Dalinar learns when he looks at its Connections and sees that, while most of them are fainter than one much stronger (evidently that of Talenel), they are not actually broken with the exception of Jezrien, who is seemingly permanently dead. The Oathbreaker: Everyone except Talenel, since he was dead at the time of the breaking.Of course, the Heralds predate most (if not all) of the current nations by thousands of years at least, so it appears that natural ethnic drift has rendered their ethnic backgrounds extinct. Mistaken Nationality: Many modern characters struggle to identify the ethnicity of the Heralds when they meet them.Like a God to Me: Every religion on Roshar treats them as saints at least, and many explicitly call them gods.When they appear, Desolation follows soon after. Harbinger of Impending Doom: For all of Roshar.Gender-Equal Ensemble: The Heralds are composed of five men and five women, because of symmetry.They were either fighting a Desolation or trying to resist torture in Damnation. Forever War: Before they abandoned the Oathpact.Presumably the Oathpact granted a degree of protection to the Heralds on the last point. Their powers are also much less efficient than a Radiant's, requiring someone to hold a dangerous amount of Stormlight to use them for a prolonged period of time. This makes them tempting targets for anyone who wouldn't normally attract a spren. Flawed Prototype: The Honorblades grant their abilities to anyone who held them, and lack the restrictions the Radiants must abide by.Even through the chaos of the Hierocracy and Alethkar's devolution into a nation of Blood Knights, they never reappeared to set the world back on track. Fallen Hero: After saving the world a hundred times, they finally gave up, breaking their oaths and abandoning the world to its fate.As of Oathbringer, several of them appeared at or were referenced during the events of the fateful feast where Szeth killed Gavilar, including statues destroyed by Shalash, Kalak and Nale appearing side by side, and Jezrien showing up as a drunk. Talenel'Elin and Nalan are the only ones known to still have theirs. Cool Sword: The Honorblades, which are similar to Shardblades, but not quite the same, granting the Surgebinding powers associated with the Order of Radiants that the Herald led.

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  • Chickification: In-Universe, the Vorin religion has greatly de-emphasized the female Heralds' combat skills in accordance with Alethi gender roles.
  • Charles Atlas Superpower: Their superhuman combat prowess is not directly a result of their powers, but the fruit of millennia of combat coupled with being able to make fatal mistakes and then come back from the dead to learn from them.
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    Thousands of years of being tortured in a place which is for all extents and purposes Hell has shattered the Heralds' sanity, but only Nale and Ishar have betrayed the Almighty so far. Being Tortured Makes You Evil: Downplayed.

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    And during the worst Desolations, they more or less had to train entire civilizations (both in technology and military skills) to fight the Fused.

  • Badass Crew: According to the Stormfather, fighting six Windrunners by themself is something that the average Herald can pull off without a problem.
  • A God, I Am Not: Though some are worshipped as them.
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    The Ageless: They have some form of this, judging by the fact that they survived four and a half thousand years without aging, but it's not clear if it's an inherent trait of the Heralds or some quirk of the magic system they know how to exploit.Action Girl: The female Heralds certainly didn't stay behind when some Voidbringer-killing was to be done.However, they abandoned their duties after many times having to return to Damnation, shattering the Oathpact. The ten Heralds were warriors of the Almighty, chosen to aid mankind during the Desolations.

    Elin ivory eldritch academy uniform